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Enchanted Forest Pediatric Dentistry

The Colombian Tooth Fairy is a Mouse Know As "Ratoncito Pérez"

September 25, 2013

Filed under: Story — enchantedfd @ 2:12 pm

As a young girl Dr. Luz Rojas has fond memories of The Ratoncito Pérez, the helper of the tooth fairy back in her native home, Colombia. The mouse is a popular figure in Spanish and Hispanic American cultures, similar to the tooth fairy. The tradition when a child loses a tooth is for him or her to place it under the pillow, so that Ratoncito Pérez will exchange it for a gift.  The tradition is almost universal in Spanish cultures and takes different forms in different areas. Dr. Roja’s Mom referred to the mouse as “Ratoncito Pérez “.

Our office décor includes a tribute to this Colombian tradition Dr. Rojas enjoyed as a child. “Recuerdo el cuidado que tenia de no perder mi diente y lo emocionante que era esperar por el premio que el ratoncito me traería a cambio. It was important to me to have fun with this tradition and honor my roots by sharing this with my patients and their parents,” said Dr. Rojas.

We would love to care for your child’s enchanting smile! Call us for an appointment and see for yourself where Ratoncito Pérez “hangs out”. You never know El Ratón Pérez my make his way into your family traditions.

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